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air quality testing

Air Quality Testing

It’s no understatement to say that the air quality in your home or office is critical to your health. When your air is filled with allergens and even mold, you can experience a myriad of health problems that never seem to get better.
So if you’re constantly getting colds or feeling as though you can never catch your breath, it might be time for air quality testing with Emergency Restoration in Atlanta, GA.

About Emergency Restoration

Emergency Restoration is a one-stop water damage service that specializes in lightning-fast restoration. Our water damage services include:
• Mold remediation
• Reconstruction
• Air Quality Testin
As soon as Emergency Restoration is called to your home, our experts work hard to identify any hazardous materials that are present in your air. For example, if we find signs of mold in your home or office, our specialists can quickly remove that mold and restore your air quality back to optimum levels.

Insured and Proven Water Damage Experts

Emergency Restoration works with most homeowners’ insurance companies. If your policy covers water damage associated with weather, accident, or any other incident, let us know – we’ll work with your insurance policy!

Contact Emergency Restoration

If you suspect that the air quality in your home or office is hazardous to your health, don’t wait to get it treated. Contact Emergency Restoration today at (877) 229-8880 for air quality testing.